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May 1, 20184 min read
Urban youth unemployment: A looming crisis?
This Brookings blog post sketched out my rationale for a new policy research project on the global challenge of urban youth unemployment.

Jan 18, 20185 min read
Myanmar economy grows despite refugee crisis
In a January 2018 blog post for Brookings, I noted how strong the economy is despite the ethnic cleansing operation against the Rohingya.

Nov 29, 20174 min read
On the ground in Myanmar: The Rohingya crisis and a clash of values
In a November 2017 blog post for Brookings, returning from a visit to Myanmar, I wrote about US policy in reaction to the Rohingya crisis.

Sep 19, 20171 min read
The humanitarian crisis facing the Rohingya in Myanmar
In a Brookings podcast in September 2017, I was interviewed about the merciless ethnic cleansing operation against the Rohingya in August.

Sep 12, 20175 min read
No simple solution to the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar
In a September 2017 blog post for Brookings, I tried to explain the complex origins of the Rohingya crisis in a Q and A format.

Aug 22, 20171 min read
Aung San Suu Kyi and the Rohingya
In an August 2017 Letter to the Editor of the Washington Post, I wrote that it’s wrong to blame Aung San Suu Kyi for the Rohingya crisis.

May 15, 20173 min read
Innocents abroad? Trump’s first foreign trip
In this blog post, I recalled Teddy Roosevelt’s “speak softly and carry a big stick” and contrasted this to Trump’s emerging foreign policy.

Apr 18, 20173 min read
Liberating the World Bank (From the US)
In April 2017, The Globalist blog published a short version of my Brooking paper on separating the World Bank from the IMF.

Mar 19, 20175 min read
Peace in Myanmar depends on settling centuries-old ethnic conflicts
In a March 2017 blog post for Brookings, I put Aung San Suu Kyi’s peace process in the context of Myanmar’s decades long civil war.

Jan 10, 20174 min read
Trump’s Asia summit dilemma: Irritant or opportunity?
In this blog post, I recalled Teddy Roosevelt’s “speak softly and carry a big stick” and contrasted this to Trump’s emerging foreign policy.

Dec 16, 20163 min read
Trump’s cabinet, agency picks and the art of policymaking
In this Brookings blog post, I tried to explain the difference between private sector business deals and government policy decisions.

Nov 26, 20161 min read
Burma’s leader can’t help Rohingya minority until she consolidates power
In this Letter to the Editor of the Washington Post, I explained why Aung San Suu Kyi lacked the power to stop mistreatment of the Rohingya.

Nov 22, 20163 min read
Lessons for Myanmar in Indonesian politics
For the East Asia Forum, I wrote that “consolidating power”, a key to President Jokowi’s success, would be key for Aung San Suu Kyi too.

Nov 15, 20164 min read
R-E-S-P-E-C-T: The question of Trump and U.S. foreign policy
For the Brookings blog, I suggested that being respected is a better foreign policy objective for the USA than being loved or feared.

Oct 18, 20163 min read
Myanmar’s fast-paced mobile phone rollout
In this Brookings blog post, I described the unprecedented growth of mobile telephones, skipping 2G technology for a 3G smart phone system.

Sep 30, 20160 min read
My Vietnamese Family
For a special issue about Vietnam, WorldView magazine published a piece about my year as a U.S. Navy Ensign posted to Saigon in 1963-64.

Sep 8, 20164 min read
War and peace in Myanmar
On the eve of Aung San Suu Ky’s visit to the US, I suggested that the conflict in Myanmar is more intractable than the Middle East conflict.

Sep 6, 20163 min read
Myanmar: A little trade issue with big consequences
For the Brookings blog, I explained why the US should show support for democratic rule by granting Myanmar preferential trade access (GSP).

Jun 30, 20165 min read
Focus on What Asia Wants
In this Brookings policy note ahead of the crucial London Summit, I stressed the importance of the Asian region in tackling global problems.

Apr 12, 20162 min read
Myanmar/Burma 101
In a Brookings podcast, soon after Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) party took office, I noted key historical moments.
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